I started off the session using the same Photoshop overlay method I’d used with the new armature before to check how my sculpt was doing so far. Sure enough, I still had CJ’s head in too upright a position as well as a few other inaccuracies (like too much build up on the back of his neck)
So I popped CJ’s head off to try again…
Poor little Prawnling – I’ll get it right one of these days! I swear!
This involved hollowing out the underside of the “skull” once more, as well as rounding off the neck again.
I took all the clay “shavings” I’d taken from CJ’s head and neck and warmed them up really well under the hair dryer till they were extremely soft (and managed to do it WITHOUT gassing myself this time! I’ve been much more careful lately about running the hair dryer too long without taking precautions and so far my headache hasn’t returned).
I then used the very soft, and slightly sticky clay “gloop” like glue to hold CJ’s head in its new position.
I filled in the gaps with more “gloop”, just enough to stabilize things as you can see, but I didn’t go overboard in case I needed to reposition CJ’s head again.
I ended off by taking another picture to compare in Photoshop. It LOOKS alright but I think I’m going to have to come up with a way of making sure I take each of these comparison photos from the exact same position and angle to be doubly sure I’ve got it right. I think slight changes in the picture angle are throwing things off.
(And that was, as you can see, nearly a week ago… *scowl*…
I’m trying to take the “you eat an elephant a bite at a time” approach, chipping away at CJ and my other various projects a little every day. Obviously I haven’t QUITE gotten the rhythm down yet – I keep taking little bites but the problem is I have too many elephants!

Yeah, yeah Wikus - I know!
I work on more creative projects each day than I used to… In keeping with a “just do it!” mantra I managed to squeeze in SOME sort of drawing, sculpting or painting practice everyday. I just don’t always get to practice ALL of them. But I’m getting there.
So we’re going to have some quality time together this weekend CJ – I promise!)
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