So here's CJ, happily positioned back out in the middle of my newly cleaned workshop, ready to be sculpted!

You may recall I was trying to keep the sculpt at the same level of "doneness" as I worked (ie. I didn't want to completely finish off one area, like the head, while other parts were still in just-roughed-in stage).
Having roughed in CJ's basic shape I wanted to do a little more refining, so I started back at CJ's head, with the plan to work my way down.

I also started, after comparing the sculpt to the super-cute reference pic, to cautiously fill in around the eyes and bulk-up CJ's "cheek-bones" (cheek exo-skeleton?), and roughly sketch in his face-plates.

More refining and rounding off of the back of CJ's head. I used a rake tool to start and then smoothed that with a loop tool (yes, with temporary skewer-antennae).

Roughing in CJ's head ridges - you can see how I did one side and then used a mirror to see if I was getting the second ridge the right size and shape.
With both ridges roughed in.
Pleased with the progress I decided to then move onto CJ's chest next.
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