I have a wee confession to make - I’ve actually been working on CJ for just over two months now. The idea for the blog only came after I’d already been working on him for a few weeks and at that point the idea of playing catch-up with the entries was a little daunting (besides working on him was so much fun and/or challenging I didn’t actually want to stop long enough to get the blog up and running!)
BUT I’ve decided to do so now, mainly because I’m about to run away to Europe for most of January on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to visit my best friend while she finishes her final year of university. This should not only be an amazing adventure for me but also the perfect chance to get this blog rolling. Instead of playing catch-up with one or two massive posts things can trickle out every few days for the three weeks I’m gone and by the time I get back we’ll all be ready to pick up where I left off together!
That being said, if you have any questions on how or why I did something a certain way please feel free to ask for clarification in the comments – just be aware I may not be able to answer till I return from my travels.
Ready? Let’s go! :)
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