Thursday, January 20, 2011

Close... But No Fuel Cylinder...

Here’s a pack of Prawn podiatry pics!

*wiggles toes* And this little Prawnling went to market, and this little Prawnling stayed home… *coughs*

I mean … um, more sculpt pics. You’ll see a number of fairly major changes very quickly – something was bugging me (no pun intended) about the sculpt (mainly the head) but I couldn’t quite put my finger on what exactly. So I was trying to rough in a number of the basic forms to see if I could get my head around the problem.

I finally decided the head was too big – or at least that I should scale back and take another run at it. The result reminded me of some bizarre combo of Kermit The Frog and Brundle-Fly @_@

But that was evidently what I had needed to do because things soon started to head in a better direction… Brundle-Frog was happily starting to look more like CJ

Something was STILL bothering me about the sculpture though. I went back through all my reference material but to no avail. Besides an overwhelming feeling that something was ….off none of my pictures were helping me figure out what.

So I turned back to the Internet, on the off chance my Google-fu could unearth perhaps some new material.

And I found some! I found a near perfect pic in fact – which turned out to be both a blessing and a curse.

On an online CG magazine I found an article about District 9 – including the following CGI character sheet of CJ.

Finally! An in-focus, standing-still shot, where he didn’t have his little hands in front of his chest!
(which is adorable as far as poses go, but doesn't make for the greatest reference picture...)

And that’s when I realized what the problem was…. There was something wrong with the armature itself.

Here’s the CJ sculpt as we last saw him, followed by the side CG shot, and then the two superimposed…

Basically I'd made my CJ too straight and tall – closer to the proportions of a human than those super-curvy Prawns (that spine’s not even an ‘S’ curve – more like a double ‘M’ curve… :P )

The hips could be fixed without removing all the clay but to realign the arms into the proper position I would need to remove all the clay from the shoulders. In other words – back to square one :P

Well ... FOOK.

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